TUESDAY, 3/22/16
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)
Today’s Bible reading – Deuteronomy 32-34; Psalm 91
As a church family, we continue to be hospital free. Thank the Lord!
Carla K met with her radiation oncologist and her oncologist yesterday. Both were pleased with the progress of the radiation up to this point. Plans call for the chemo treatments to begin on Monday, 3/28.
We had another good numerical representation at the prayer time last night. Thank you to each person who attended.
Dale & Karla are in Texas and will eventually end up in South Bend, Indiana before finishing this trip in North Alabama this Sunday. Pray for their ministry and their safety in travel.
In case someone did not read the third blog from yesterday, it is my hope that someone will bush hog the remaining front side of the back forty. It is obvious what needs to be cut. Too much for the mowers yesterday. Again, I am very grateful to the guys who worked yesterday.
As you read this, Lisa and I should be headed to NYC. (Will someone please make sure Carla Kyser knows where we are?) Lord willing, we will attend the services at The Brooklyn Tabernacle tonight. Then tomorrow will be whatever Lisa says it will be – can you say Chinatown? Each time I think of Chinatown I think of Bruce Gill! I do miss Bruce!
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.
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