TUESDAY, 3/29/16
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)
Today’s Bible reading: Joshua 22 – 24
Let me begin by going back to complete yesterday’s entry! No one has mentioned this to me but I failed to express my “thanks” to several folks for their efforts on Sunday. The greeters did well in all three of the morning services, the quartet did a nice job in the three morning services, the praise band did a nice job in the afternoon service, Randall, Rita & Lynda did a nice job with “Arise My Love” in all three morning services, James Mareno provided assistance in all four services (I think James & Logan Wainwright were the only ones who joined me for all four services. Did I miss someone?), Jeanette Bates graciously offered to come to the 3:00PM service to play the piano, if needed, while Deidra & Dana were there for childcare during the 3:00PM service. Obviously, we had others who provided childcare in the morning services. So, please know that I am very thankful to each person who helped in any way. If I missed someone, please forgive me. Send me your name and I will mail you a copy of one of Dr. Jack Bailey’s sermons!
BTW, I was proud of the SNBA guys as they were all present in at least one of the services this past Sunday even though we did not have any basketball action. Good stuff!
I also want to say “thank you” to Larry & Judy Whitehurst for driving to Preston, MS yesterday in order to attend the celebration of life service for Sara Nell Mould’s mother. I was able to do likewise and was impressed with the words Carl Ray Moulds spoke as he shared the Gospel plain and simple.
The celebration of life service for Betty Clair’s Aunt Helen Stuart will take place tomorrow, 3/30, in Tallassee, Alabama. The visitation with the family takes place tonight and, Lord willing, I will attend it.
Claire Belle Turner will travel with her mother to Atlanta, GA today in order to meet with the folks at The Cancer Center. They will be there for at least three days and possibly up to seven days.
Raymond Wilkinson’s mother will be having shoulder surgery tomorrow, 3/30.
I “think” that Carla Kyser began her chemotherapy treatments yesterday? (The girl is not good at keeping me in the loop!)
Reb, will you give us an update on where Holly is with her radiation/chemo at this time? (BTW, the site I use for the daily Bible readings will not give me April’s readings until April is actually here. Crazy I know!)
I do not have an update on Eddie Hall’s mother but will get one today.
We had a “fair” number attend our prayer time last night. I appreciate Bernard Suthoff sitting in for me during part of those two hours as I had to be a grandfather i.e. go watch Pee Wee Roberts miss a ton of calls in a t-ball game. (The dude just cannot get a call right! I do not think he could call 911 if he had to!) Bernard graciously covers the prayer time whenever I cannot be present. I am thankful!
I missed Phil Sims this past Sunday and found out yesterday from Andy Hamil that Phil had fifty one inches of water under his house! I guess that is good enough reason to miss a service? Wow!
Men’s breakfast on Saturday, April 9, from 8:00 until 9:00AM in the fellowship hall. I am looking for twenty five men over the age of forty to commit to being present. Will you be one of those twenty five? If so, contact me personally. Thanks!
I drove around seven hours yesterday and it was a beautiful day for a drive. I drove 63/57/45 and there were times when I was the only vehicle on the road. I placed some phone calls and did a lot of praying/thinking. Enjoyed myself immensely! Stopped in Buckatunna going and coming – what a town! (TJ Vice is so jealous!)
Today, I will spend another seven or so hours in the vehicle going to Tallassee and back. It will not be nearly as pleasant as yesterday! Why not? Great question. Short answer – Soy is going with me! (“Are we there yet?” “Can we stop for ice cream at Priester’s?” “I need to go to the bathroom!”) My head already hurts just thinking about it! Two things will sustain me – getting to see Betty Clair as she is just the sweetest thing and eating supper at Jim & Nick’s (can you say “pig in the garden salad?”).
Coutney Cavin is already thinking, “why did he drive 63, then slow down to 57, and go down to 45 mph?”
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.
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