The Lord has blessed and we have had a good day of worship, Bible studies, and prayer. It began with our Wednesday morning service at 10:00AM and then continued with our high school Bible study at 6:00PM followed by prayer meeting, junior high Bible study, and mission organizations at 7:00PM. It all just ended (actually the fellowship is still taking place as we approach 10:00PM) with our college/young professionals Bible study which began at 8:00PM.
Jerry Whitmore was in our prayer service tonight, Ken Ford has been moved to another medical facility, Vivian Rhoads remains hospitalized, and Betty McDonald is in the hospital related to her heart.
You are invited to join us this Saturday, 2/24, from 4:00PM – 7:00PM for the annual Taste of Friendship. This is sponsored by our student ministry and helps with their summer mission/ministry opportunities.
Our Saturday will begin at 8:00AM with a work day in the church buildings and the church grounds. Plans call for us to conclude at noon and hopefully we will have a good number of folks join us for this effort.