

It was a real joy yesterday to hear from a good number of folks, near and far, who are regular readers of these entries.  I am thankful that folks are taking advantage of this means of communication. 

I had a good luncheon meeting with Danny Lafferty.  Pray for him as he left this morning for Guatemala to take care of some business.

John Wayne Bosarge, Tina Sprinkle’s dad, had two balloon procedures performed and a stent placed in his heart on Monday.  He came home from the hospital yesterday morning.

Ronnie Owens is recovering from his recent surgery in anticipation of beginning a new series of chemotherapy treatments.  He has such a wonderful attitude and is simply trusting the Lord.

I learned last night that Betty McDonald, Belvin’s wife, has been back in hospital but is now home.  Please pray for her. 

Ladies, please remember the wedding shower for Karla Teasley this Sunday, 4/29, from 2:00 – 3:30PM in the fellowship hall.

Speaking of the fellowship hall, it will be closed all of next week, 4/30 – 5/5, as the ceramic tile is installed.  We will have to make different arrangements for FAITH and the Wednesday night activities. 

The folks participating in this summer’s mission trips to Guatemala are to remember the next payment due this Sunday, 4/29. 

I hope that you will make plans to join us in one of our Bible studies/prayer meeting services today or tonight.

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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