
THURSDAY, 6/26/08

John Denver used to sing about it being “good to be back home again” and I can say amen!  We left Orlando around midnight central time and arrived in Grand Bay at 8:00AM.  Soy drove all the way so I spent a couple of hours working on my computer and several more hours praying – it was great! 

Word came to me from Bro. Jerry yesterday that Martha Patrick is in the hospital with a high blood pressure problem.  I saw Martha this past Monday and she told me that her blood pressure was giving her problems.  Pray for her! 

Today is a very busy day as those last minute preparations are made for the first GRACE trip of the summer.  We will have a packing party tonight in the fellowship hall at 6:00PM.  Anyone having good, used children’s clothes can bring them to the church at any point today just as long as it is before 6:00PM.  The operative word in that last sentence is “good” and we appreciate your generosity! 

All of the GRACE participants need to bring their passport to the packing party tonight as we need to make copies.  This is important! 

Please pray for Lisa, Deidra, Dana, & Gina today as they will travel home from Orlando at some point this afternoon.  Thanks! 

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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