
THURSDAY, 11/13/08

Wednesdays are long days for me but they sure are good days!  My “preaching” portion of yesterday began at 10:00AM and ended at 10:00PM.  I continued to be impressed with our young adults and their faithfulness to the things of God.  They are making some mistakes along the way but they are striving to reach spiritual maturity! 

Great news – Raymond’s father, Curtis Wilkinson, is scheduled to come home from the hospital tomorrow!  He, and his family, are excited! 

Pastor Gore continues to make improvement too even though he remains hospitalized.  Word came to me in our young adult Bible study last night that Kolton Wadkins is in the hospital.  I do not know the extent of his illness but do ask that you pray for him.  Merwyn & Earl Gunter’s sister, Shirley Patrick, is in a local hospital too. 

Shea Childress begins her chemotherapy treatments next Tuesday and will receive one every other week.  Carla Kyser continues her treatments.  Miss Joyce Bosarge continues to have difficulties.  George Taylor sees the doctor once a month.  Phyllis Bush is basically confined to the bed.  Pray for all of these folks. 

The team in Guatemala is doing well.  Pray for them as they minister until Monday. 

Please keep in mind that The Nelons will be with us during our morning services on 11/23.  They will be given the entire service times to minister.  Pray for those services and invite others to join you. 

Rex Looney – great picture!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.   


Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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