
TUESDAY, 9/29/09

No real changes in any of the situations involving our folks battling health problems.  Miss Vivian is completely off the ventilator as in they have taken the machine out of her room.  She is so ready to get out of that hospital – pray for patience on her behalf!  Keep praying!

Lisa and I will attend the visitation and/or funeral service for Angie Kitchens today.  Pray for that family. 

Paul Leytham e-mailed me yesterday to say that Miss Cristy is flying to Florida today to be with her brother, Juan Jose, who is apparently is in his last days as he battles cancer.  Pray for Juan Jose and the family during this time. 

Raymond Wilkinson’s mother will be having surgery tomorrow as will Susan Hensley who is my friend in North Alabama. 

I am grateful to the folks who have been providing the meals for our Hispanic folks following their Sunday afternoon service.  They seemingly so enjoy this time of food & fellowship.  We have this Sunday, 10/4, covered and we have someone who has volunteered to lead on 10/25.  We could use someone to help that person on 10/25.    Also, I am thinking 10/11 & 10/18 are open too.  If interested, please contact Lisa.

On a much lighter note – I am not a huge pro football fan but I do watch the Sunday night and Monday night games from time to time.  I would be classified as a Colts fan and a Rams fan (that goes back to the Baltimore Colts & Los Angeles Rams).  I am NOT a fan of the Dallas Cowboys!  Liked Tom Landry but not the Cowboys!  So, it pained me to see them win last night!  However, I think the sun will rise this morning!

Jack Bailey has stopped blogging while Jack Ciak has gone to a weekly blog!   

Hope you have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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