
SATURDAY, 3/22/14

Today’s Bible reading –  Numbers 33:40-35:34, Luke 5:12-28, Psalm 65:1-13, Proverbs 11:23

As of 9:00PM last night, Tucker Vice had taken a bottle which is a good sign.  Daphne told me that the man who is perhaps the leading doctor in Mobile has a lot of confidence in the hospital where Tucker is a patient.

It now 6:00AM and TJ sent me an iMessage shortly after 5:00PM.  They have taken Tucker off the IV and have given him a bath.  The nurses seem to think that it was just a transitional thing – praise the Lord!  (I think he may have been upset that Duke got upset in the tourney which destroyed his bracket – just saying!)

No updates on the others that we have listed this week.  Just pray for them, those battling cancer, et cetera.

You have an old electronic device you want to get rid of today?  Take it to the State Farm office in Grand Bay and give it to Bro. Chris and his team of student workers.  This is a fund raiser for our students.

My NCAA bracket took a hit yesterday too as I went 11 – 5 (New Mexico, George Washington, Nebraska, OK State & Duke were my misses)  so I am now 24 – 8 after the second round.  BTW, it really bothered me that Duke got beat!  I am guaranteed three misses in the third round based on my earlier misses.

May have a funeral today – one of the chickens.  They were free ranging yesterday when a dog (big – think Clifford) came for supper.  We got the chicken out of the dog’s mouth and feathers flew.  The injured bird was resting last night but may have succumbed to her injuries during the night.  Do they sell feathered wigs?

Titus has his first t-ball game today.  I will be there – just not wearing the shirt that says “grandfather of #?”  If it is important to Titus, it is important to me.  (My prayer is that he never deems soccer as being important!)

Regular schedule tomorrow morning and evening.  Baptism and the Lord’s Supper in the evening service.  There is a 40% chance that it will not rain tomorrow!  I had said yesterday that the weather would be good tomorrow but I was most likely wrong!  I encourage you to be faithful regardless of the weather.

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.


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