
THURSDAY, 3/10/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading:  Numbers 35-36

Our “Ladies Helping Hands Ministry” meets tonight at 6:30PM in the fellowship hall.  All ladies are invited/encouraged to attend.

We will not have our work day this Saturday, 3/12, at it has been postponed until next Saturday, 3/19, due to the expected rainy conditions this Saturday.  We announced this in our services yesterday, put it in the pastor’s letter, and are now letting our ten readers know.  I am thinking that Donald Butler was probably planning on coming to help us and wanted him to get this notice.   Pass the word!

Zach Huhn leaves Saturday morning heading to New York City.  He is taking part in a mission trip with the BSU from MCGCC and MSU.  Those schools are on Spring break next week.  Pray for Zach and this ministry opportunity.

Jimmy Moates and Holly Lybarger are both receiving radiation treatments this week.  Jimmy is finishing up with this round and Holly is just getting started.  Holly also received a chemo treatment yesterday.  Pray for Jimmy & Holly.

Carla Kyser remains in the hospital.  She has been diagnosed as having pneumonia along with a couple of other problems.  They were coming in to give her blood yesterday as I was leaving.  She remains in good spirits and wants to go home.  The two nurses who came in to give her the blood told me that she had been a bad patient – just saying!

Eddie Hall’s mother, Miss Jimmie, also remains in the hospital.  She will eventually be moved to a rehab facility and the hope is that then she will begin to show improvement.

Ruby Gulley is doing well.  I am not sure if she is fully aware of much as she remains under the influence of the pain medicines.  Right now, she is a happy camper.

Linda Green’s sister, Shirley, had a rough night on Tuesday.  She also remains in the hospital.  I plan to visit with her again today.

Justin & Amber Dunnam became parents this past Monday.  Congratulations!  Dunnam is a dad – let that sink in for a moment.  Wow!

Curly, Larry & Mo have me confused with this whole soccer thing!  They tell me the games will begin this Saturday, 3/12, if it does not rain.  What?  Soccer is a sport that you can play in the rain, right?  Their response to me was “you are not having work day because of the rain!”  Great comeback!  Stay tuned!

Good day in our services yesterday.  Our morning attendance continues to do well.  God is good!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading:  Numbers 33-34

Carla Kyser was not able to receive her chemo treatment yesterday due to low blood pressure.  She spent most of the day in the emergency room and was admitted to the hospital last night.  She appreciates so very much all of the support given to her by the members of the Friendship family and others.  The request is that there be no visitors at this time.  I know that you will understand, will not be offended and will fervently pray for Carla.  Carla is a sick young lady and just needs time to get past this latest hurdle.  She is in hopes that her stay in the hospital will be very short.  I am telling you that her attitude last night after having spent the day in the ER waiting room was nothing short of amazing!  What a sweetheart!  (Do not tell her that I said that!)

Visited with Ruby Gulley yesterday morning.  I can pretty much guarantee you that Ruby has no recollection of my visit.  The pain medicines do a number on Ruby!  She seemed to be doing well.

Visited with Miss Jimmie Hall too.  She is very grateful for the prayer support.  Keep praying.

Visited with Linda Green’s sister, Shirley.  She looks like she has been in a major fight as her face is bruised because of her fall.  She too is thankful for the prayer support.

Jimmy Moates has four more radiation treatments.  The tumor is shrinking.  The doctor is going to leave him on the current medication  because his gene profile did not match the newer drug.  The doctor is confident the present drug will work.  Keep praying for Jimmy.

Charles Suthoff saw the doctor yesterday.  He was immediately diagnosed with AFib.  He will see a cardiologist tomorrow.  Pray for my friend, Charles!

Continue to pray for Holly Lybarger too as she begins radiation treatments.

Regular schedule this morning and evening.  The 7:30PM Bible study menu is poppy seed chicken, green beans, macaroni & cheese, rolls, blueberry pie, cherry pie and drinks.  I am telling you that it is worth coming to this Bible study tonight just for the meal.  Lisa does an incredible job with this particular meal.

Time change this Sunday, 3/13, which means you will need to set your time pieces forward one hour before going to bed on Saturday night.  Basically, we will lose one hour of sleep!  While Dr. Jack Bailey may look forward to this change in the time, I just wish they would leave it alone.  I am totally good with the time we are on right now – works in Guatemala.  Just saying!

Cool story – AJ & Alaina Westendorp are a young couple from Michigan.  They are presently living in Guatemala City and were a part of our January 28 – February 4, 2016 GRACE Ministries team led by Pastor Bob Harvey.  They just went back to the village where the team built the houses and stayed with one of the families for a few days.  Slept in hammocks outside and just enjoyed life with the Guatemalans.  If interested, I will forward you the e-mail they sent along with five pictures.  Just let me know.

As far as I know, Tico returned home to Guatemala safely yesterday.  It was good seeing him.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.



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TUESDAY, 3/8/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading:  Numbers 31-32

The surgery on Ruby Gulley went as planned.  They did not have to put her to sleep but did a local and then put her in la-la land.  I think she will be in the hospital for two or three days.

Eddie Hall’s mother had a surgical procedure done yesterday as well because she cannot swallow properly.  The thought is that she will soon be moved to a convalescent facility for rehab.

I do not have an update on Linda Green’s sister, Shirley, but plan on visiting her today.

Carla Kyser sent me an iMessage yesterday telling me that there are some new spots on her liver so she begins a new chemo treatment today.  Please join me in praying that this chemo is totally effective on these spots!

Our prayer time was well attended last night.  Thank you to each one who came and prayed.  The greatest number of folks still prefer the first hour. I will monitor that for a month or so before making any time adjustments.  However, the night will remain Monday.

I wrote in yesterday’s entry that a number of folks had spoken/written to me about this past Sunday night’s service.  That was the proverbial “tip of the iceberg” as I received more messages as yesterday progressed.  Things from “best regular service I have ever been a part of” to “I just want to hit the replay button from that service” to others.  I will say three things – God is awesome; thank you for the encouragement; and it was one of those “you had to be there” services to fully appreciate it.

Was able to spend a little time with Tico Vargas yesterday.  He preached in Frisco City and Uriah this past Sunday.  He is traveling home today.  Always good to see him.

Remember, we are on schedule for a work day this Saturday.  Main focus is on the outside so yard tools are needed.  We will begin with a light breakfast (think Sugar Rush), coffee and juice at 7:30AM.  Work begins at 8:00AM.  A steady rain calls it off but scattered showers can be worked around.  All hands on deck, please!

Friendship soccer begins this Saturday too but I am not sure of the time.  One of the “big three” will let me know.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.


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MONDAY, 3/7/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading:  Numbers 28-30

Tuesday, March 8 Numbers 31-32
Wednesday, March 9 Numbers 33-34
Thursday, March 10 Numbers 35-36
Friday, March 11 Deuteronomy 1-2
Saturday, March 12 Deuteronomy 3-4
Sunday, March 13 Deuteronomy 5-7

Ruby Gulley is set to have surgery this morning.  The plan is to amputate one her legs just below the knee.  Pray for all to go well as Ruby is always concerned about being put to sleep.

Eddie Hall’s mother remains hospitalized.

GriefShare today from 6:00 – 8:00PM.  These folks meet in the choir room.

Prayer time tonight from 5:00 – 7:00PM in the auditorium.  Monday is now the regular night for our prayer time.  Please enter/exit through the West side door.  The auditorium will be open much earlier than 5:00PM should anyone need it.  A call to prayer!

Wow, God showed up and He showed out in our services yesterday especially last night’s service.  A number of folks expressed their appreciation after the evening service and then I received e-mails last night expressing the same.  Folks, thank you for praying!  We had three folks saved yesterday – one following each of the worship services.  Is that God or what!  We give Him the glory!

Also, we had a good attendance in our Sunday School workers’ meeting following last night’s service.  Workers expressed their appreciation for the meeting with one writing that it was “encouraging and productive.”  I want to say “thank you” to each worker who attended the meeting.  Sunday School is very important!

Our SNBA went well too.  I was really late getting into the CAB because of the after service meeting but the guys did great.  Really good fellowship and good ball too.  Johnny Five did not win any games the week before so he bailed on us last night.  Lord willing, we will do it again next Sunday night following the evening service.  Simple concept – attend the evening service and then stay for the church service.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

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SUNDAY, 3/6/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading:   Numbers 26-27

We are on a regular schedule this morning and evening.  My prayer, as always, is that the members of the Friendship family will be found faithful.

I am asking all Sunday School teachers to attend the service tonight and then stay for a meeting which will take place in the auditorium.  Important!

SNBA tonight following the service.  Concept is real simple – attend tonight’s service and then stay for basketball.  Good stuff!

Please note that our Monday night schedule now includes prayer time (5:00 – 7:00PM), GriefShare (6:00 – 8:00PM), & GROW (6:30PM until).  Prayer time is in the auditorium, GriefShare is in the choir room and GROW leaves from the church office.

Jim Chinners, Jeff Holifield and Kenny Lingle are praying and evaluating the monthly men’s breakfast.  They want more men involved including young men.  They are open to suggestions as to how to make his happen even if it means something instead of a breakfast.

I need to go back to last Sunday, 2/28, for just a minute.  Marlene Broome had cooked a meal earlier in the week for Charles & Ann Clark because of Ann’s surgery.  Included in that meal were chicken & dumplings.  I am a huge fan of chicken & dumplings (white meat only) so Lisa saved  a bowl for my Sunday lunch.  They were amazing!  Absolutely amazing!   Who is Jennifer Davis?

So, I was walking to Joey’s oil change place yesterday afternoon because Gina had left her car there to have the oil changed.  I was walking by choice.  Logan Wainwright passed me, turned around and came back to offer me a ride.  That Logan is a fine young man!  Eva Mareno saw me walking, waved, smiled  and quickly sped away.  That Eva. . . .  (Mind you that my wife feeds Eva every Wednesday night and every Sunday she is in town!)

Jeff Holifield told me yesterday that he gets these blog entries via his e-mail but an entry was not delivered Thursday or Friday of this past week but he did get yesterday’s.  Folks, if you do not pay the subscription fee on time then we will cut you off!  Just saying!  Let this be a lesson to all ten of our readers!

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.  Go to church!



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SATURDAY, 3/5/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading:  Numbers 23-25

Men’s breakfast this morning from 8:00 – 9:00AM.  All men are invited to attend.

The yard sale continues this morning and concludes with the auction tonight.  All in the CAB.

Eddie Hall’s mother remains in the hospital.  Keep praying.

Received word last night from Tina Wilkinson that her maternal aunt, Shirley, took a fall and is in an ICU due to a bleed.  They are prepared to take her into surgery, if needed.  Pray for Miss Shirley.

Joyce Hacker was discharged from the hospital yesterday.

I “thought” Friendship soccer was set to begin today but Larry, Curly & Moe had a different idea.  So, it begins next Saturday which is just great – supposed to be raining and we have a work day scheduled at the church!  Nice planning LC&M!  I probably could have coached even though I know absolutely nothing about soccer (I am not as well rounded as Dr. Rex) as I keep hearing about these coaching additions.  Heard personally from two of them Wednesday night and Soy told me of another one last night – are you serious!

“Put a top on it” is our emphasis during March.  This is designed for the Friendship family to give the necessary funds to put a new roof on the Christian Activities Building.  After almost thirty four years, it has run its course.  We will receive a “seed” love offering in tomorrow’s services, receive love offerings the following two Sundays and then, if needed, finish this on Easter Sunday, 3/27.  Are you the answer to prayer?

All Sunday School workers are asked to attend the evening service tomorrow, 3/6, and then stay for an important meeting which will take place in the auditorium.

SNBA tomorrow night.  Attend the evening service and then stay for basketball.  One of our guys suffered a gruesome injury to his upper arm last week but he played through it and will be back tomorrow night.  No, it was not Rusty!

The extended forecast calls for highs in the seventies and lows in the fifties and sixties (after tonight) for the next ten days.  Perfect weather!  It is so close to time to get the seeds in the ground!   Charles & I are negotiating a price now for breaking the ground.  He got a new tractor and wants to raise the rate – killing me!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.


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FRIDAY, 3/5/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading:  Numbers 21-22

Men’s breakfast in the fellowship hall tomorrow morning, 3/6, from 8:00 – 9:00AM.  All men are invited to attend.

Visited briefly with Eddie Hall in his mother’s hospital room yesterday.  She had made a slight improvement but still has areas needing improvement.  Keep praying.

Visited with Wanda Jordan’s mother-in-law and she was in hopes of being discharged if they determined that she did not have any blood clots in her legs.  She was waiting on the tests to be performed whenever I left so I am not sure of the test results.

Joyce Hacker has been admitted to the hospital.  I attempted to visit her but she was not in her room so I assume she was having a test performed.

Carla Kyser went to Birmingham and back yesterday.  She met with two oral surgeons with one of them being the head of the department.  Her options are limited but they will do a scan and then go from there.  Keep praying.

The yard sale continues today and tomorrow with the auction taking place tomorrow night.

The weather was not real good last night during our prayer time but we still had a decent number of folks show up to pray.  We now move to Monday nights for our prayer time.  The auditorium will be open from 5:00 – 7:00PM each Monday.  It will actually be open much earlier that 5:00PM but those are the hours that I try to be present.  A call to prayer.

It is 4:30AM and Lisa is already giving me orders about the Walmart run.  After years of experience, I have learned that going around this time is not optimal.  What is the optimal time?  Cannot divulge that information or then it will become too crowded!

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

THURSDAY, 3/3/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading: Numbers 18-20

Received word through the night that Rolando Echeverría from Guatemala passed away.  He was diagnosed with cancer just a few weeks ago.  He & Tico Vargas are good friends.  Pray for his family.

Learned yesterday that Eddie Hall’s mother is in the hospital.  Learned last night that the reason she is hospitalized is because she suffered a stroke.  She is in an intensive care unit.  Pray for Miss Hall.

Also learned yesterday that Wanda Jordan’s mother-in-law is in the hospital.  She is battling pneumonia so pray for her too.

The yard sale begins today and continues through the auction on Saturday night.  It all takes place in the CAB.

Prayer time tonight from 5:00 – 7:00PM.  After tonight, our prayer time moves to Monday nights.  Please note this!

We are having a Sunday School workers’ meeting immediately following the evening service this Sunday, 3/6.  Each teacher is asked to attend.  Obviously, attending the service is a must if you are going to attend the meeting.

Dr. Rex was immediate and spot on regarding TAGS.  The “big” video is now live on  Check it out!  Very professionally done by Anthony Gettig of Third Hour Media!  Thanks Tony!

How about this weather – wow!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading:  Numbers 16-17

Good morning from Grand Bay.  Lisa and I left Prattville at 2:20AM heading home and arrived home safely at 5:05AM.  I thoroughly enjoyed hearing four different messages yesterday morning and last night.  As usual, Dr. Ted Traylor was spot on!

Regular schedule this morning and tonight.  Not exactly sure what the menu will consist of for tonight’s 7:30PM Bible study.  Lisa and I have not come to a definite conclusion.  Hot dogs are near the front of the line for consideration.  Trying to do something easy for Lisa as she has a lot on her plate today/tonight.  Whatever it is you can rest assured it will be good!  The girl can cook!

It is big.  Really big!  (Dr. Rex, in which episode of TAGS did Barney say that?)  My cousin, Tony Gettig, posted something on FB (my favorite thing in the whole wide world) yesterday morning and by last night it had gotten 1,732 reaches and 11 shares (neither of those mean anything to me).  Tony says that he has never had anything get that type of a result in one day.  Folks, it is big!  Really big!

Here is what I do understand – the latest video about GRACE Ministries will go live on at 2:00AM tomorrow morning, 3/3.  Why 2:00AM?  Folks, we are dealing with a Yankee so please do not ask me to explain!  Tony is doing an excellent job of making the site recent and relevant!  Thank you Tony!

Lisa and I were able to visit with Decker Terry for a few minutes yesterday.  His wife, Martha, had a less than desirable night sleep wise on Monday night so she was resting.  What a delightful couple!  Such mighty prayer warriors!  We are blessed to know them and to call them friends in the ministry!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

TUESDAY, 3/1/16

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading:  Numbers 14-15; Psalm 90

Good morning from Prattville, Alabama.  Gena Davis commented on yesterday’s entry that her son, Chuck, is a leap year baby as he celebrated his “fourteenth” birthday yesterday which means he is fifty six years old.  Wow, I was thinking Gena was only in her late fifties!  It was good to hear from Gena!  Gene who?  LOL!

Grant Tillman was discharged from the hospital yesterday.  He was more than anxious to get out of that place!  Surgery went well.

IMPORTANT – our prayer time for this week has been moved to Thursday night, 3/3, from 5:00 – 7:00PM.  No prayer time in the auditorium tonight.

By the way, we are going to move our prayer time to Monday nights beginning next Monday, 3/7.  The time will be from 5:00 – 7:00PM.  This will allow folks leading/participating in GriefShare and/or GROW to also be involved in the prayer time without having to give up another night.  Ditto for those involved in prayer time wishing to be involved in either of the other two ministries mentioned.  Please note this change which really takes up back to the original night.  God is good!

Lisa and I were treated to supper at Jim & Nick’s last night by Josh & Mandi Fortner and it was great!  Evangelist Michael Mason was also able to join us.  (Dale, those biscuits were awesome!)  Really good food but even greater fellowship!  Thanks Josh & Mandi!

Can you believe that Lisa spoke to a lady yesterday who was taking down her 2015 Christmas trees?  I will not call her name.  Her husband, Edd, told her that she should just leave it up for this year since Christmas is just around the corner!  And then Lisa found another lady who still has her 2015 Christmas tree up.  Again, I will not call her name but will simply say that she works in Lisa’s office.  No, it is not Julie or Rita!

Looking forward to hearing some preaching today but really came to hear Dr. Ted Traylor preach tonight.  Lord willing, I will be in the service tomorrow morning.

Remember, today is voting day in Alabama.  Contact Myrtle if you have any questions.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.



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