“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)
Today’s Bible reading – Deuteronomy 14-16
I drove to Kennesaw, Georgia and back yesterday in order to attend the celebration of life service for Raymond Wilkinson’s Uncle Bob. It was a good service. Raymond’s Uncle was a retired Methodist pastor.
Since I was out of pocket yesterday, I may not have all of the details on the folks for whom we have been praying. I may miss some. So, I am confessing and asking for forgiveness up front.
The heart cath on Charles Suthoff showed no blockages – praise the Lord!
I do not have an update on Chase Chambliss as to whether he was discharged or not. Regardless, he needs our continued prayer support as his back mends.
I am going to “assume” that Betty Clair and Lydia will be discharged from the hospital today. (Could be wrong – imagine that!)
Teddy Ray Jackson’s mother, Miss Jean, remains hospitalized but seems to be some better.
Joyce Hacker has been admitted to the hospital and is supposed to have a heart cath at some point today.
Carla received her second radiation treatment yesterday. If my addition is correct, Holly Lybarger should have received radiation treatment number six yesterday. Jimmy Moates is finished with his radiation treatments.
Amy Huhn’s dad, Mr. Morrison, was told that his tests looked ok. They will compare the results with an earlier MRI and then go from there.
Zach Huhn remains in NYC on a mission trip.
There are others in need of prayer but I do not list folks who are not members of the Friendship family on this blog without permission.
We are on a regular schedule today/tonight. Meatball subs and the trimmings will be the fare for the 7:30PM Bible study.
No, I did not watch the Alabama basketball game last night. I do not get excited about the NIT as it is a consolation tournament. Will the winners proclaim, “we are #69?” Also, not a fan of the the “first four in” concept with the NCAA. Folks, the whole thing is driven by the networks and their desire to turn a profit. That is true of all sports now. I can see the shock on your faces as you read this!
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.