TUESDAY, 3/1/16
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)
Today’s Bible reading: Numbers 14-15; Psalm 90
Good morning from Prattville, Alabama. Gena Davis commented on yesterday’s entry that her son, Chuck, is a leap year baby as he celebrated his “fourteenth” birthday yesterday which means he is fifty six years old. Wow, I was thinking Gena was only in her late fifties! It was good to hear from Gena! Gene who? LOL!
Grant Tillman was discharged from the hospital yesterday. He was more than anxious to get out of that place! Surgery went well.
IMPORTANT – our prayer time for this week has been moved to Thursday night, 3/3, from 5:00 – 7:00PM. No prayer time in the auditorium tonight.
By the way, we are going to move our prayer time to Monday nights beginning next Monday, 3/7. The time will be from 5:00 – 7:00PM. This will allow folks leading/participating in GriefShare and/or GROW to also be involved in the prayer time without having to give up another night. Ditto for those involved in prayer time wishing to be involved in either of the other two ministries mentioned. Please note this change which really takes up back to the original night. God is good!
Lisa and I were treated to supper at Jim & Nick’s last night by Josh & Mandi Fortner and it was great! Evangelist Michael Mason was also able to join us. (Dale, those biscuits were awesome!) Really good food but even greater fellowship! Thanks Josh & Mandi!
Can you believe that Lisa spoke to a lady yesterday who was taking down her 2015 Christmas trees? I will not call her name. Her husband, Edd, told her that she should just leave it up for this year since Christmas is just around the corner! And then Lisa found another lady who still has her 2015 Christmas tree up. Again, I will not call her name but will simply say that she works in Lisa’s office. No, it is not Julie or Rita!
Looking forward to hearing some preaching today but really came to hear Dr. Ted Traylor preach tonight. Lord willing, I will be in the service tomorrow morning.
Remember, today is voting day in Alabama. Contact Myrtle if you have any questions.
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.