TUESDAY, 3/8/16
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)
Today’s Bible reading: Numbers 31-32
The surgery on Ruby Gulley went as planned. They did not have to put her to sleep but did a local and then put her in la-la land. I think she will be in the hospital for two or three days.
Eddie Hall’s mother had a surgical procedure done yesterday as well because she cannot swallow properly. The thought is that she will soon be moved to a convalescent facility for rehab.
I do not have an update on Linda Green’s sister, Shirley, but plan on visiting her today.
Carla Kyser sent me an iMessage yesterday telling me that there are some new spots on her liver so she begins a new chemo treatment today. Please join me in praying that this chemo is totally effective on these spots!
Our prayer time was well attended last night. Thank you to each one who came and prayed. The greatest number of folks still prefer the first hour. I will monitor that for a month or so before making any time adjustments. However, the night will remain Monday.
I wrote in yesterday’s entry that a number of folks had spoken/written to me about this past Sunday night’s service. That was the proverbial “tip of the iceberg” as I received more messages as yesterday progressed. Things from “best regular service I have ever been a part of” to “I just want to hit the replay button from that service” to others. I will say three things – God is awesome; thank you for the encouragement; and it was one of those “you had to be there” services to fully appreciate it.
Was able to spend a little time with Tico Vargas yesterday. He preached in Frisco City and Uriah this past Sunday. He is traveling home today. Always good to see him.
Remember, we are on schedule for a work day this Saturday. Main focus is on the outside so yard tools are needed. We will begin with a light breakfast (think Sugar Rush), coffee and juice at 7:30AM. Work begins at 8:00AM. A steady rain calls it off but scattered showers can be worked around. All hands on deck, please!
Friendship soccer begins this Saturday too but I am not sure of the time. One of the “big three” will let me know.
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.