WEDNESDAY, 3/30/16
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 KJV)
Today’s Bible reading: Judges 1-2
Raymond Wilkinson’s mother will have surgery on her shoulder today. Pray that everything will go as planned.
The celebration of life service for Betty Clair’s Aunt, Helen Stuart, takes place this morning at 10:30AM in Tallassee, AL. Pray for the family.
I have not heard from Carla K (just saying) but do know that she received a chemo treatment this past Monday. She has done well thus far through her radiation and this first new treatment.
Keep praying for Holly Lybarger as she continues with her radiation and chemo.
Visited the folks in the convalescent home yesterday. Miss Eunice Bowden, Sammy’s mother, is now a resident there. I spoke briefly with Miss Jimmie Hall as she was in therapy (I think) and she seemed to be doing ok. Rob Nevin’s mother was asleep and has not been feeling well. Everyone else seemed good to go and Miss Wittner confirmed that fact!
We are on a regular schedule this morning and tonight. I think that Lisa told me the fare for tonight is lasagna along with the trimmings.
Soy worries me! I basically allowed him to join me on the trip yesterday in order for him to help drive. First, he thought we were going to Tallahassee which explained the FSU t-shirt! Second, he made me be the first driver even though I had driven seven hours the day before and then had been to Pascagoula and back yesterday morning. So, I did my share of the driving. Third, we did go to Jim & Nick’s and he ordered tacos! Are you kidding me? In a great barbecue place and the dude orders Taco Bell. Fourth (and the worst), he sent me a message yesterday morning wanting to know what I was wearing? Do I look like a sophomore girl? I am telling you that if he had told me at the restaurant that he was going to the restroom and wanted me to go with him then I was calling a taxi to bring me home! Wow!
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.