
TUESDAY, 8/9/16

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”  (Psalm 19:14 KJV)

Today’s Bible reading – Jeremiah 7-9

Visited with Miss Willa Dean yesterday morning and she was sitting in a chair for the first time since her surgery.  They repaired her broken hip/leg instead of replacing the hip.  She is having to make a decision about in patient rehab or in home rehab.

David Bosarge’s mother, Miss Maxine, was discharged from the hospital on Sunday evening.

Bernard continues to receive his radiation each week day.

We had a nice number of folks come and pray last night.  I am grateful to those who come each week to spend some time in this ministry.

I joined Rusty Suthoff last night in going out for Sunday School/church visitation.  We were only able to find one family at home out of the three we visited but that is ok.  We left cards at the others and we will go again.  I encourage each Sunday School class to be involved in outreach.

I have watched some of the Olympics for the past two nights.  I am impressed at how fast those folks can swim.

Confession time (this is really hard for me) – Soy did weed eat around the wooden fence on the South and East sides of our property while I was in Guatemala.  I have to give credit where credit is due.  (However, Rusty did absolutely nothing!  Just saying!)

The outcry was great!  I did not blog for three mornings and my laptop got blown up by folks telling me they missed the blog!  Ok, so it was only three folks but when you consider we only have thirteen readers that is a decent percentage.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.


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