
THURSDAY, 11/5/20

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

Cecil’s surgery was a success.  Blo Joe and Joey are supposed to be able to visit her in the intensive care unit this morning.  Keep praying for Cecil.

Thank you to Rita Boutwell for coordinating the ministry of feeding the Gazzier family tomorrow.  If you can help and have not signed up, please call the church office this morning.  Also, thank you to each person helping in any way.

Our numbers were down in the auditorium yesterday morning and last night.  Not sure why but I am grateful to those who attended.  I am rejoicing always!

I am asking the Friendship family to step up big time during November as we are “Caring For Castlen” and “Sharing With St Elmo!”  Bring the needed items and place them in the foyer of the auditorium.  You can do this any service on a Sunday or Wednesday.

Regular scheduled on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.  Lord willing, I will be in the pulpit for all three services.  I hope to be joined by many members of the Friendship family and guests.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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