TUESDAY, 9/14/21
Hurricane Nicholas made landfall in Texas early this morning. It appears that it will be a very slow moving storm now that it is over land and will bring significant rain to the Gulf Coast. So, I am going to make the call that we will NOT have our 10:00AM service tomorrow. All of our regular attenders to that service are senior adults and that is the major factor in this call as I do not want them getting out in that type of weather. So, please pass the word. No 10:00AM service on our campus tomorrow.
If you disagree with my decision then call me and I will send you a cassette of one of my messages. But wait, if you call within the next five minutes then you will receive not one, not two but three copies of my messages! (Sorry, we are out of our copies on eight tracks)
As it stands right now, we will have a regular schedule on our campus tomorrow evening beginning at 6:30PM. The cancellation only applies to our morning service.
Yes, the church office will be open regular hours tomorrow, 9/15.
I strongly encourage the parents of our children (fifth graders and down) to contact Dylan or Elizabeth Westbrook if you are interested in your child(ren) taking part in the skating outing this Sunday, 9/19. This will be an off campus event.
Keep praying for Lee Sessions and the folks from within the Friendship family who are presently battling the virus.
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.