MONDAY, 9/6/21
The church office is closed day for the Labor Day holiday and will reopen in the morning, 9/7, at 8:00AM. Our staff members can be reached via cell phones in the event of an emergency.
We were blessed with a really good spirit in all three of our services yesterday. The 8:00AM service as actually not far below a normal Sunday numerically. We were blessed with a good number of guests in that service. The Friendship family did well in welcoming those guests. I was a proud pastor! We had guests in our 10:30AM service but we were not as efficient as the first service folks in welcoming them. Our goal is excellence in this area in all of our services.
Keep praying for those folks on our prayer list.
No doubt you are aware that our church website has undergone a renovation. Brandon Baker led a team that has done a nice job renovating our site. We need folks to give us good reviews on Google.
It was good to enjoy some football this past weekend and it is not over just yet as Ole Miss plays tonight. I predict Ole Miss will win big.
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.