MONDAY, 9/27/21
Sorry for the lateness of this post but it is Monday – LOL! Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose! Yesterday was definitely a “win” for the Friendship family. Good morning services and then a tremendous fellowship yesterday afternoon. I am going to go on the conservative side and estimate our attendance for the fellowship at two hundred and ten. I truly believe we had more based on the numbers Mr. Presley gave me this morning. We had folks from a newborn to those in their eighties and all ages in between.
Thank you to Bro. Jerry Hovel, our deacons, and their wives for a job very well done! The food was spot on. Thank you to Scott & Nanette Fontenot for the use of their boat as the boat rides were a huge hit. Thank you to Chris & Sherry Howell and Will & Amy Reynolds for the use of their wave runners. I know they had to be tired from giving rides and pulling the tube like a million times! That was a really big hit! We had guests, new members and long time members in attendance. The fellowship was superb! We give God the glory for all He did!
Pray for Miss Vinnie’s son, Buddy, as he is in Birmingham most likely for the next month. Pray for those battling the virus.
Regular schedule on our campus this Wednesday.
I pray that you will have a great rest of your Monday with Jesus.