WEDNESDAY, 9/22/21
Happy birthday to our granddaughter, Audrey Clark Taylor! She is now seven years old and lives in Guatemala. (Soy & Deidra’s girls are now nine, eight & seven years old) I hope Audrey will have a great day and I know she will because her MeMe is there to make that happen! We love Audrey!
Regular schedule on our campus this morning and tonight. I pray that the Friendship family will be faithful to attend.
On Monday, September 6, Pastor Cecil “Doc” Wainwright passed from this life. This past Sunday, September 19, his wife, Nina, passed from this life. The visitation with Nina’s family takes place tomorrow night at the Independent Church of God in the bayou and a service will take place on Friday morning. Pray for the Wainwright family during this difficult time.
We have a member of the Friendship family who remains hospitalized and is not doing so well. Pray!
Church fellowship this Sunday, September 26, at Presley’s Outing from 4:00PM until 7:00PM. The members of the Friendship family are asked to bring a dessert. The church will provide everything else.
Daphne & Ann have taken good care of me food wise in Lisa’s absence. I am fat and happy!
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.