
MONDAY, 5/1/23

Welcome to May!  This first entry in May is late.  No excuses offered other than I have a red truck!

Chuck Rockwell was taken by ambulance to the hospital yesterday afternoon.  He had emergency surgery in the early hours of the morning and it was successful.  Pray for Chuck, Beth & Greg.

Hilda Gunter was scheduled to have a surgical procedure this morning but it got cancelled.  It is supposed to be rescheduled.  Pray for Hilda.

Keith Barrett has an important appointment with the doctor tomorrow.  We had a special time of prayer with Keith & Aninha as a part of last night’s service.  Special time.  Pray for Keith & Aninha.

Larry Crawley continues to meet with his doctors regarding his malignancy.  Pray for Larry.

Gayla Dyess is scheduled to have surgery this Wednesday, 5/3.  Pray that all goes well.

Eddie Albritton is scheduled to have some oral surgery on Thursday, 5/4.  Already, he is milking it for all he can!  Pray for Eddie.

Teresa Ladnier was present in our service last night.  She is doing well in her recovery.  Keep praying!

Tim & Peggy will leave this Sunday, 5/7, heading to M.D. Anderson Hospital.  Scan on Monday and visit with the doctor on Tuesday.  Pray for good results.

Continue to pray for Buddy Brewer.

Spoke to Decker Terry this morning.  He is battling through some physical problems.  His niece, Sherry, is recovering from major surgery.  Pray for Decker and Sherry.

It was great to see Terrel Brooks in our morning service yesterday.  What a fine gentleman.  Keep praying!

Do you believe in miracles?  I do.  The twins actually planted twelve pepper plants in the garden last Friday.  All by themselves.  They used my tiller.  When they arrived, I had three tillers.  I looked after they had left and I now only have two tillers!  Strange!

John Milton Ladnier has my corn looking good – nice and green!  Thank you, John!

Speaking of gardens, Stacey Dyess brought us fresh squash and gumbo on Saturday.  He did not grow the gumbo but he did make it.

We were blessed with a good day in our services yesterday.  Lots of guests in the morning service.  God is good!

We had a prayer meeting with the deacons during the 5:00PM hour yesterday.  Good time of seeking God.

Student ministry supper this Wednesday following the morning service and preceding the evening service.  Pulled pork potatoes, side salad, cobbler and drink.  (Stacey Dyess is the chief cook so it will be very good!)

I pray that you will have a great rest of your Monday with Jesus.


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