
FRIDAY, 5/12/23

In my mind, I posted an entry yesterday morning.  Best I can figure, someone stole it off the internet.  What is this world coming to?  I probably should start copyrighting these entries!

I was honored by Glenn, Margy & Blake Perkins as they allowed me the privilege of helping with Chad’s celebration of life service yesterday afternoon.  I am thankful to Pastor Paul Meredith doing the committal service.  Also thankful to Jeanette Bates for providing the instrumental music before and after the service.  Glenn & Margy have a tough road in front of them so please join me in continuing to pray for them as often as the Lord brings them to your mind or lays them on your heart.  Glenn & Margy are good folks!

Jason Husband remains in the hospital but may be discharged later today.  The dude has had like two million visitors!  Thank you to the Friendship family and others for being so kind and thoughtful.  Pray for Jason as he is experiencing some pain and discomfort.

Chuck Rockwell remains in intensive care.  Keep praying for Chuck, Beth & Greg.

Lindsey Vice’s cousin also remains in intensive care.  There has been no change in her condition.  Please pray.

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.  I encourage those who can to attend a worship service with their mother on this special day.  I have not had the opportunity to do so for the past forty-five years and, yes, there is some regret that comes with that.  Mama has obviously played a major role in my life as she helped lay the spiritual foundation for me.  I am thankful.  I can promise you that if I lived near Mama and could attend Mother’s Day worship with her then I would do so every year without fail.  When Mama is gone (or me) then there will not be a “next year!”

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

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