
MONDAY, 5/22/23

The Lord blessed the Friendship family with a good day in our services yesterday.  Our buses had a strong day numerically, our SS and worship attendances were very good and the spirit was great.  Our children’s choir did a nice job in sharing the Gospel through their spring musical.  It was a joy to welcome a new member into the Friendship family by transfer of letter as a part of our morning worship.  God is good and we give Him the glory!

Jason Husband has an appointment with the doctor this morning as a follow up to his surgery.  Thank you to Joey & Bibbi for taking him to this appointment and to Jason’s sister, Amanda, for allowing them to do so.  Pray for a good report.

We are going to have a “fish & dog” church wide fellowship this Sunday, 5/28, beginning at 4:00PM.  Crawfish, hotdogs and drinks will be provided by the church.  Those attending are asked to bring sides and desserts.  Please bring enough for those attending with you plus two others.  We will meet on the back forty unless it is raining which will move us into the CAB.  Pass the word and invite others to join you.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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