
SATURDAY, 5/6/23

Four prayer requests and three quick reminders on this Saturday morning.

Glenn Perkins called me yesterday morning to share that his oldest son, Chad, has passed from this life.  Arrangements pending.  Pray for the Glenn, Margy, Blake and the entire Perkins family.

The memorial service for Bryan Creps will take place today beginning at 10:00AM in Bay Minette.  Pray for Lisa, Kortni, Aaron and the rest of the family.

Chuck Rockwell continues to have some issues with swallowing and needs our prayer support.  The doctors are taking the steps deemed necessary by them to get him through this time.  Pray for Chuck, Beth & Greg.

Tim & Peggy Knighten will leave tomorrow following our morning service headed to the M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston for a scan and consultation.  Pray for traveling mercies and clear scans.

No soccer games on our campus today due to the rain soaked fields.  Pass the word!

Senior adult day in our morning service tomorrow.  Complimentary meal in the CAB for all persons age sixty-five and older.  Pass the word and encourage our senior adults to be present.

Evangelist Johnny Tucker and his wife, Miss Judy, will be our guests tomorrow in our services.  Bro. Johnny will be preaching at 10:00AM and 6:00PM.  We will receive a love offering for Bro. Johnny & Miss Judy.

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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