

Elaine Brown’s husband, Larry, was taken to the hospital via an ambulance early, early Monday morning.  He was placed in an intensive care unit and remains there this afternoon.  He has been battling a malignancy, has heart issues, and has suffered a stroke.  They are doing more tests to determine the extent of the damage and to make a treatment plan.  Pray for Larry, Elaine and their family.

MAJOR CHANGE – the Thanksgiving meal set for Thursday, 11/16, (one week from today) WILL take place.  Sherry Howell is coordinating this meal and she needs some help.  Younger folks are needed to do either a sweet potato casserole, a dessert or bake and carve a turkey.  If you will help, please contact Sherry or you can call her mother, Clara Broadus.  Again, this is for next Thursday, November 16, 2023.

Why the change?  Yes!  LOL!  (Remember, I had a seizure!)

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

THURSDAY, 11/8/23

Bobby Chandler has been moved to an in house hospice facility.  I shared in yesterday morning’s service that Laurie was requesting no visitors for the time being.  She needed time to process things.  Now, Laurie is up to having visitors.  However, her greatest request is for prayer warriors.  So, please join me in praying for Bobby, Laurie and family.

Hannah Hatcher did well through her surgery yesterday.  The doctor said Hannah is going to be uncomfortable for the next three weeks.  Pray for Hannah as she recovers.

Our children will be taking part in a retreat on the island this Friday and Saturday.  Pray for this ministry opportunity.

There will be a retirement reception in the CAB for Bro. Jerry Hovel this Sunday, 11/12, from 2:00 – 3:30PM.  A basket will be available for cards, gift cards, money, et cetera.  If you would like to help with this reception, contact Clara Broadus.

We will consider adding to our Hispanic ministry as Jeff Holifield will present an proposal during this Sunday evening’s service.  Make this a matter of prayer.

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday morning and evening.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.


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