
WEDNESDAY, 11/22/23

The visitation with the Craig Cumbie family will take place today at Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home beginning at noon and lasting until the 2:00PM service.  Pray for the family and pray for Bro. Abel as he ministers during this service.

Jo Nell and Peggy’s friend, Bo, is critical.  His wife was told yesterday that there is no brain activity and can only be sustained by life support.  Pray for the family as they have to make tough decisions.

Our daughter, Dana’s, mother-in-law has been in ICU.  She is having a surgical procedure this morning relating to one of her lungs.  Pray that all goes well.

Charles Clark’s brother, Mac, had a defibrillator put in yesterday.  Pray for Mac & Jane.

Bro. Dylan had a surgical procedure done on Monday.  His wife, Elizabeth, did not even drive him there.  However, she did cook Hamburger Helper for supper!  Wow!

The church office is closed today.  No activities on our campus.

Lisa arrived home safe and sound shortly after midnight.  We are thankful.

I am very thankful to those who have communicated with me assuring me of their prayer support for Deidra and the girls.  Needed and appreciated!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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