
SATURDAY, 1/6/23

I was mistaken about Kaydenz Edwards and her situation.  She will see the doctor in person on January 18.  Obviously, this is the best case scenario and an answer to prayer.  Keep praying!

The doctor has determined that Miss Vel Brannon’s broken wrist was set properly and therefore it will be best for it to heal on its on.  If another examination in a week verifies this then her wrist will be placed in a hard cast.  Keep praying for Miss Vel.

Pray for the Sue Freeman family as the visitation and service will take place today in Mississippi.  Pray for those who will be traveling.

Basketball today in our CAB.  Pray for this ministry and for those who are ministering in Bro. Abel’s absence.

Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning and evening.  Pray, attend, expect!

Still looking for a baker’s dozen!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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