
WEDNESDAY, 1/24/24

Happy sixth birthday to our grandson, Jayden.  I pray that he will have a great day.  Lisa and I love Jayden and are thankful to have him in our lives.  Happy birthday, Jayden!

Let’s begin with good news this morning.  The following message came from Larry Crawley yesterday afternoon – “Dr George just informed me my numbers are undetectable and I was supposed to do 2 more treatments but he said not necessary…. I give a thanks to God and my friendship prayer family for this victory.  Praise be to God!”

So far, the doctors have yet to pinpoint the exact place where Coley Johnson’s dad is losing blood.  However, he continues to lose it at a fairly rapid pace.  Keep praying for Mr. Johnson.

Please join me in continuing to pray for Gary Walton as he prepares for knee replacement surgery.  Gary is experiencing much pain!

Michael & Linda Robertson are missionaries in Russia.  The Friendship family has had them in our budget for years.  Linda’s father passed from this life the other day.  Michael & Linda were on a plane heading home when they received the news.  A funeral service will take place in Oklahoma on February 3.  Pray for Linda and her family as they walk through this valley.

Regular schedule on our campus on this rainy Wednesday.  Again, I am praying for the members of the Friendship family to become more involved in attending these services.  For the first time since September 27, 2023, we will be back in the book of II Timothy in our Bible study in the auditorium.  Join us!

The Inspirations will be ministering in our auditorium tomorrow night, 1/25, beginning at 7:00PM.  Pray, attend, and bring others with you.  A love offering will be received.

We will be joined in tomorrow night’s service by the men from the Mission of Hope.  The Sunday School class that is taught by Matt Everett will be feeding these men.  I appreciate those folks doing this.  I am also grateful to Carl Ray Moulds for leading our ministry to the Mission of Hope.

Well, three folks have contacted me regarding the love offering being received this Sunday, 1/28, for Ronnie, Nanny & Sofi Calvert.  Let me just say that at this point inviting Ronnie to join us for the service Sunday morning is not an option.  The forces of hell are having a field day with me but I am undeterred in believing we are going to reach our goal of receiving eight thousand dollars to cancel the Calvert family’s debt so Ronnie can return to Ecuador.  With God all things are possible!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.  Stay dry!  Be safe on the roads!


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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