
TUESDAY, 1/9/23

I watched the weather in South Mobile County last night.  I pray everyone is ok.  I gave notification just after 4:00AM telling me the electricity was off on our church campus and that is also true of our house.

Witney Edwards received a call from the doctor’s office in Orlando yesterday to schedule surgery for Kaydenz.  This one was totally out of the blue.  Long story short – Kaydenz will see the doctor in Pensacola on the 18th and the doctor from Orlando will call on the 19th to schedule surgery.  This relates to a pacemaker which they say she needs sooner than later.  Pray for Kaydenz and her parents.

Miss Jean Hatcher remains in the hospital.  Keep praying.

Tom & Shari Compagner arrived safe and sound on GRACE Mountain last night.  They will be here for a month leading teams and helping in many other ways.  Thank you Tom & Shari.

The first day of school for all of the students at Colegio JET went well.  Thank you to those who prayed.

Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning and evening.

The Inspirations will be at Friendship on Thursday, 1/25, beginning at 7:00PM.  Contact Andy Hamil for more information.

No, I did not watch the game last night.  However, I congratulate the many Michigan fans who are friends of mine.

Here is a little grace – if you want me to bring you coffee from Guatemala then please email Daphne (daphnehutto@gmail.com) by 5:00PM today.  Yes, the original deadline was last night but this extension is a national championship celebration.  You can Venmo Daphne or pay cash.  Please note that all Pentecostals must pay up front – just saying!

Still looking for a baker’s dozen!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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