

On Saturday evening, 1/13, I entered a blog regarding a baker’s dozen in an effort to secure finances to provide one sponsorship for a teaching position at the Colegio JET school on GRACE Mountain in Guatemala.  The plan was simple – get thirteen folks to agree to give five hundred dollars each, over the course of 2024, which would provide the salary for one teaching position.  It was shared that if we could reach this goal by 1/31/24 then an anonymous donor would match it which meant two teaching positions would be sponsored for 2024.

Great news – at the time of this writing, we have twenty-five folks, who have joined the baker’s dozen. We need one more to join to provide two sponsorships for 2024.  Plus, the anonymous donor has already given their sixty-five hundred dollars which means three teaching positions have now been sponsored.  Praise the Lord!  He gives the increase!

The folks who have joined the baker’s dozen have come from three states, two denominations and at least eleven churches.  Young folks and senior adults.  Married couples and single folks.  Folks who are supporters of GRACE Ministries and folks who have not supported up to this point.  What a beautiful sight!

So, the vision has been increased.  We need to provide seven more sponsorships at sixty-five hundred dollars each which equates to forty-five thousand and five hundred dollars.  That could be seven folks saying “I will sponsor a teaching position,” ninety-one folks saying “I will join the baker’s dozen,” or a combination of both.  The belief is that we will have these funds in hand or pledged by January 31, 2024, meaning we have fifteen days to make this belief a reality.

You can commit to sponsoring a teaching position by yourself ($6,500) or to join the baker’s dozen ($500) by sending me an email at tcturrentine@gmail.com.  Individuals, churches, ministries, small groups, et cetera can take part in this worthwhile effort.

How do you give?  Online you can go to shininglightabroad.com, click on the “donate now” tab, under categories click on Colegio JET school and then enter the other information – name, address, credit card, et cetera.

Or, you can make a check payable to GRACE Ministries and mail it to P.O. Box 223 Grand Bay, AL 36541.

Guatemala Relief And Compassion Effort is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.  Employer Identification Number: 83-1849064.

Please know that no donation is too big or too small.  Please refer to my 1/13 entry.

How can you help in addition to giving?  Please share this information with others in conversation, on social media platforms, et cetera.  Join me in trusting God to provide in a miraculous way!  He can!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

TUESDAY, 1/16/24

Major announcement – because of the much colder than normal temperatures forecast for Grand Bay tomorrow  we will NOT have our 10:00AM service tomorrow, January 17, 2024!  I am depending on our thirteen readers help get this word out!  (Dr. Rex if you will cover Hartselle and Sommer please cover east Texas for me).  Just trying to give our more seasoned church members a break!  Those folks attend faithfully regardless and I appreciate each of them!

As it stands now, we will have a regular schedule for tomorrow night beginning at 6:30PM.  I do not see that changing.  I will be here, Lord willing, regardless.

Bill Kendrick’s brother was moved into another area of the hospital yesterday.  He is doing well all things considered.  Keep praying!  Bill & Debbie are two of the most faithful folks in keeping me up to date on any situation they are aware of regardless of who the persons are.  I appreciate them for doing this!

Joey Switzer’s father (Hilda Gunter’s brother) is not doing well physically.  He is at home but is definitely in need of our prayer support.  Pray for Bobby & Shirley!

Gary Walton is taking the necessary steps in order to have knee replacement surgery.  He has battled knee problems for a long time.  Gary is a tough individual with a high pain tolerance.  Join me in praying for Gary & Rachel!

Miss Dottie Clark in Guatemala is not feeling well physically.  Please pray with me for Miss Dottie.

I appreciate those who continue to pray for Deidra, Lizzi, Sydney and Audrey.  Thankful to Tom & Shari Compagner for being there with her.  Daphne too!

The service for Miss Jean Hatcher seemed to go well yesterday.  I am very appreciative for each person who helped with the ministering to the family.  Keep praying for the Jean Hatcher family.

Want coffee from Guatemala?  Daphne is there and can bring some home.  Send your requests to her at daphnehutto@gmail.com.  You can Venmo her if that works for you.  Orders must be placed tomorrow, 1/17, no later than 5:00PM.  Specify ground or beans.

All I can say is that those Iowans are tough!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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