
MONDAY, 2/5/24

Happy belated birthday (2/4) to our daughter, Hein (Henni) Tran.  Hard to believe that she is now thirty-two years old.  I hope she had a great day yesterday.  Happy birthday, Henni!

Pam Baker wrote me yesterday to share that JZ is battling a potential infection.  Pray that the newest antibiotic he is on will work.

Marie Brooks is scheduled for surgery this Friday, 2/9.  Pray that she can stay well and nothing will delay this procedure.

Paul Davila is scheduled to have knee surgery on 2/14.  Pray for Paul.

I am told that we had a good day in our morning service yesterday.  I am thankful.

Bro. Abel messaged me to say that the basketball awards ceremony went great!  We thank God for a really good season.  Thank you to all who helped make it a success and to God be the glory!

Regular schedule on our campus this Wednesday.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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