
MONDAY, 2/12/24

The Lord blessed us with two good services yesterday.  Our attendance was down some but that is certainly the norm when school is out for the following week.  The spirit was excellent.  It was a blessing to ordain Paul Davila and John Whalen as deacons.  I am thankful to the men who made up the ordination council.  It was a good day!

I want to say thank you to Brandon Baker, Joey Bosarge and Bill Kendrick for their service as deacons the past three years.  Great guys!

Paul Davila is scheduled for surgery this Wednesday, 2/14, but that could change.  Waiting on final confirmation.  Pray for Paul.

Marie Brooks is still in pain and waiting on her surgical procedure to be rescheduled.  Keep praying for Marie.

Shawn Grant is scheduled to have surgery on February 21.  Pray for her.

I shared about Robert Baria’s cancer free report.  Learned yesterday that Larry Crawley and Jay Oakwood have also received a cancer free report – praise the Lord!

Regular schedule on our campus this Wednesday, 2/14.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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