
TUESDAY, 2/27/24

Two deaths to share this morning – one local, one in the northern part of Alabama.  First, Kathy Sessions, sister-in-law of Johnny Sessions, passed from this life last Wednesday, 2/21.  The arrangements are as follows:  visitation with the family tomorrow, 2/28, from 5:00 until 8:00PM in the auditorium of First Baptist Grand Bay.  Celebration of life service will begin at 10:00AM on Thursday, 2/29, also from First Baptist.  Pray for Kathy’s husband, Charles, and the entire Sessions family during this difficult time.

Second, Mr. Ralph Benjamin “Pat” Patterson of Gadsden, Alabama passed from this life this past Saturday night, 2/24.  Mr. Pat was one hundred and three years old.  He was a dear friend of Andy & Betty Hamil.  The visitation and service will take place on Thursday, 2/29, in Gadsden.  Pray for Pat’s family.  Lord willing, I will be traveling with Andy & Betty in order to attend the visitation and service.

Marie Brooks surgery will take place in the morning, 2/28.  Pray!

Visited with Shawn Grant yesterday.  She is doing ok but really has been having pain issues.  Pray for Shawn as they decide the next step in her recovery.

Visited with Grady Walker yesterday.  I was surprised when the told me that his wife, Carolyn, was in the emergency room.  Grady was doing better and was soon going to be with Carolyn.

I visited Carolyn in the ER.  I am going to assume that they admitted her.  Pray for Grady & Carolyn.

Sonny Bates, Paul Davila and Terry Lucky all continue to recover at home from their respective procedures.  Pray for these brothers.

I received absolutely heart breaking news last night from Morgan County, Alabama.  A young child was bitten by a dog and succumbed to their injuries a very short time afterwards.  The attack and death are both reported on al.com. I know the family involved and simply ask you to join me in praying for these devastated parents.  What a tragedy.

I think Miss Vinnie celebrated all day yesterday as I called but got no answer.  Lisa attempted to visit but no one was at home.  Good for Miss Vinnie!

Lord willing, I am going to drive to Birmingham and back today in order to take in some of the AHSAA state basketball tournament.  Stress reliever for me.  Snow skiing is too but Scott Fontenot has stood me up for the past one million years or so.  Just saying!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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