
SATURDAY, 2/10/24

How about some great news to begin this Saturday?  Roseanne Baria sent me an email yesterday sharing that Robert’s test results came back yesterday – CANCER FREE!  Praise the Lord!  Robert & Roseanne are giving God the glory!

Jason did not have his radiation treatment yesterday as there was some mechanical problem with the machine.  How much did David French pay to have that “problem” arise on his day to take Jason?  LOL!  Keep praying for Jason.  I am very thankful to Carl Ray & Charlotte and Scott & Nanette for their help with Jason too.  Of course, Daphne is making sure everything stays on track.

I arrived home safe and sound around 12:30AM.  Many thanks to Eddie Albritton for bringing me home from the Mobile airport even though the flight was almost an hour late.  Eddie is a great friend and always willing to help out.  (Yes, he charged me extra for the late arrival but at least Lisa was able to go to bed and not be out so late.  Was it worth an extra fifty dollars?  I guess.)

Tomorrow is my Mama’s eighty-fifth birthday.  Brad & Daphne are taking Lisa and me to Gardendale, AL this afternoon to meet Mama, my siblings and their spouses and some of the grandchildren for a meal.  I thank God for my Mama and hope she will have a great weekend.  (By the way, Eddie will stick me with the bill – again!  Just saying!)  Happy birthday, Mama!

Looking forward to our services tomorrow.  Lord willing, I will be in the pulpit for both services.  Deacon ordination council begins at 3:30PM.  We will be ordaining Paul Davila and John Whalen.  Deacons, if possible, coat and tie, please.

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

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