FRIDAY, 1/25/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
Pray for Anna Carol Bosarge as she meets with another specialist today. Pray for wisdom.
If you are helping minister to the Perkins family through the meal tomorrow, please have your food in the fellowship hall no later than noon tomorrow. Questions? Contact Tina Wilkinson.
Mission of Hope service tonight at 7:00PM in their chapel. Everyone invited to attend.
Bus workers meet in the morning at 8:30AM. Pray for this ministry.
Basketball tomorrow beginning at 8:00AM. Pray for this ministry too.
Thanks for Kendall Falana and Bob Evans for covering up a leak in the old auditorium this past Wednesday.
Thanks for Danny Lewis for helping get things “level” on the church campus.
The Grand Bay weather forecast has changed a bit. Imagine that. They are now calling for it to not be quite as cold as yesterday’s predictions for tonight and tomorrow. However, they are now saying twenty three degrees on Tuesday night. I will believe that when I see it!
Guess where Jayden wanted to go for his birthday last night? Cracker Barrel. That is what his Mama said so off we went. He ate a wee little bit but at least his Mama ate good! Just saying!
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.
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