MONDAY, 1/28/19
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)
We will not be having our 10:00AM Wednesday service this week. Nothing changes for Wednesday night as it will be a normal schedule.
The visitation with the John Paul Rogers family takes place from 10:00AM until the noon service time today at the Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home. Pray for Amber, Morgan and family.
Anna Carol Bosarge will have a procedure done in two weeks. Pray for her as she awaits that date.
Gloria Whitmore will have surgery this Wednesday. She is the first on the list which is a good thing. Pray that all goes well.
Larry Whitehurst will travel to Jacksonville this week for tests, meetings, et cetera. Pray for good results and reports.
Lord willing, I will leave early Thursday heading to Guatemala for two weeks as I will be leading our first two mission teams of the year. These are the trips where we are heavy medical. Bro. Johnny Tucker will be preaching in my absence this Sunday.
We had a really good day in our services yesterday. The first service and the evening service were very well attended. Thank you to folks who are faithful.
As I announced yesterday morning and then put on the blog yesterday afternoon, we have more than reached our goal of having the one hundred thousand dollars matched in January. After some prayer and thought, I felt led to establish a “Hallelujah” goal! As yesterday began, we needed forty eight thousand dollars to reach this goal. God blessed and we now only need thirty three thousand dollars by midnight this Thursday, 1/31. That can be in actual gifts or pledges. Folks, we can do this as we allow God to work in and through us. You can communicate with either Deidra ( or me ( to make your pledge or tell us of your gift. Gifts can be taken by the church office, put in the mail, or given online. Pray. Obey. Share the video.
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.
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