
THURSDAY, 11/7/24

We enjoyed a good day in our services yesterday.  Our morning attendance was strong.  The spirit in both services was excellent.  Thank you Jesus for blessing us – again!

Nanette Fontenot got into a fight with a ceiling fan yesterday morning and the fan won.  Her left hand received the worse of the fight so Nanette will now have to have surgery to help mend a broken finger.  Pray for Nanette.

Heard from Stacey yesterday.  I was totally unaware that he and Gayla were in School School and the worship service this past Sunday.  Hooray!  Gayla has gone back to work and Stacey is honestly trying to follow the doctor’s orders.  Keep praying!

I ask you to continue to pray for our dear friend, Decker Terry, in Montgomery.  Great prayer warrior, great supporter of missions, great friend to many.  Thank you for praying for Decker and Sherry who is his primary caregiver.

I learned yesterday that our friend, Willard Garnett, had knee replacement surgery about one month ago.  It was scheduled for November/December.  According to his wife, it has not been a walk in the park.  Join me in praying for Willard, please.

Senior adults from the Friendship family, save the date of Wednesday, December 18, from 10:00AM until noon.  We will have a special Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner in our CAB.  This will be hosted by our co-op ministry.  More details to come!

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday with a special service planned for Sunday evening.  I hope to be joined by many for this day!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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