
FRIDAY, 11/16

Robbed in cyberspace!  Early yesterday morning I wrote a fairly lengthy entry only to have it disappear into cyberspace.  T. Garrett Wright from New York City had told me about thieves stealing furniture in cyberspace so I think I have been hit too!  Actually, I think that I got knocked offline about the time I hit publish and it all worked together to lose my entry – it was good stuff too! 

Thank you to each person who helped with/attended the surprise birthday party for Miss Kittie Camp Wednesday night after our service.  She was surprised and expressed her appreciation yesterday for the fellowship, kind words, gifts, et cetera.  Her birthday was yesterday which also happened to be the birthday of Homer Perkins, Jessica & Jamie Hall (sweet 16), and my friend in Michigan, Betsy Phillips (21)!  Happy birthday to all you guys! 

Speaking of birthdays, today is the 48th birthday of John R. “Buddy” Jones!  We will take a loose change offering for him following the evening service this Sunday.  It is so good to see Buddy being Buddy again!  Happy birthday Buddy!

The annual Thanksgiving meal for the senior adults of our community went very well again.  They said this was the 33rd consecutive year for this event.  Thanks to Pastor Benny Still for providing the entertainment and inspiration.  Thanks to each person who helped in any way to make the day a success. 

Last night, Lisa and I attended the funeral visitation for Pearl Lafferty.  Miss Pearl is Danny’s mother and she passed away last Friday in Colorado.  The visitation took place in Waynesboro, MS and the funeral will be today in Millry, AL with Danny preaching his mother’s service.  Pray for Danny and his family during this time.  

Lisa, Dana, Gina, and I are in Tuscaloosa today getting ready for the big game this weekend.  We came early to get a good parking space!  Actually, we are about to leave to spend several hours in Moundville as a bonus for the girls and their school work.  Deidra and Soy will join us late this afternoon.  Soy, the girls, and I will attend the “big” game tomorrow while Lisa and Deidra shop!  

We will host the community Thanksgiving service Monday night beginning at 6:45PM.  Michelle Rolls, church hostess, asked me to remind the readers of this blog who attend Friendship to please bring a cake for the fellowship that will follow the service.  For those readers i.e. Bret Hart, Ross Genzink, Jayme DeYoung, T. Garrett, Jamie Glenn, etc. who don’t attend Friendship, just send cash to me in small, unmarked bills!  

T. Garrett, if you will e-mail me your t-shirt size (your wife’s too) today and your mailing address then I will send you a shirt fresh off the press! 

Hope you have a great Friday with Jesus.  Live for Him! 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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