MONDAY, 6/14/10
Happy Flag Day! This post is coming from the Magic Kingdom in Orlando. I left Gulfport at 5:00PM yesterday and got to the room at 2:00AM this morning. Short night! Today we will be doing the Disney World thing and tomorrow I will attend the annual meeting of the SBC.
We had a good day in our morning services. It is a joy to welcome Mac & Karen McGriff into the Friendship family by transfer of letter. Obviously, I wasn’t in the VBS family night service so I can’t comment on how that went but prayerfully everything went well.
Ted Ezell is in the hospital having had some problems falling on Friday & Saturday. Pray for him and all the others who are battling sicknesses.
It was not a good night for me as those Celtic’s beat the Lakers and the Dodgers lost their third in a row. I didn’t see the Lakers game but I am sure it was partly due to poor officiating!
My family is ready to go! I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus!
P.S. – Pastor Travis Northcutt is trying to locate a “good” use laptop for a pastor in Guatemala. It doesn’t need to have the Spanish programs but just be in good shape. If you know of one that someone will either donate or sell at a greatly reduced price, please send me an e-mail at Thanks!