WEDNESDAY, 6/16/10
After getting the necessary document from the church office yesterday morning, I made my way over to the Orange County Convention Center for the meeting. It was an eventful afternoon as Bryant Wright from Marietta, GA was elected as the new president of the SBC defeating Ted Traylor from Pensacola, FL in a runoff. (I voted for Ted both times)
Of course, the big item for the convention was the passage of the seven recommendations made by the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force. It passed after a lengthy discussion. I went to the meeting with the intention of voting for the recommendations set forth by the task force and voted accordingly. This changes significantly the way Southern Baptists do things. One major change is that the International Mission Board can now work in the United States which has been prohibited up to this point. It also allows for “Great Commission Giving” in addition to the Cooperative Program. I don’t know all of the ramifications but suggest interested folks contact either Pastor Travis Northcutt, Dr. Rex Looney, or Joe David Bailey as they keep up with the latest within the SBC. (By the way, Pastor Terry Rainey sent me a text during the meeting saying he was there but I didn’t see him so I have my doubts!)
The Lakers won game 6 to force a game 7. Morris Bryant and I were talking Sunday before last about the Finals and he said it really didn’t matter who won early because it was going 7. That Morris is a smart guy! (I can’t figure out whether Diane married him for his looks or brains!) Les Hacker says the NBA is rigged! I’m appalled! At any rate, they will battle for it all tomorrow night and the Lakers have never beaten the Celtics in a game 7. Come on Lakers!
We are on a regular schedule today with one exception. Our young adult Bible study that normally meets at 8:00PM at Soy & Deidra’s house will meet at 7:00PM in the parsonage. Chris Taylor, please put that on MyFace! Bro. Robbie will be preaching in the morning & 7:00PM services in the auditorium.
I leave my family in Orlando and head back to Grand Bay today. Pray for me as I travel.
I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.
P.S. – From the “for what it is worth” department – Texas stayed in the Big 12 because with only 10 teams they will no longer have to play in a league championship game which makes it easier to advance to the BCS title game. They basically only have to beat OU each year to be in that position. What a weak football league – in my opinion. That’s for Gene & Gena!