TUESDAY, 6/1/10
Joey Switzer’s mother, Shirley, has been moved into ICU as her condition worsened during the night on Sunday. Joey & I played phone tag yesterday so I don’t know the details.
Jayne English’s situation has not changed as far as I know. Susan Quinn will receive another treatment tomorrow and Eula Mae is most likely going to South Carolina to be with her. Lois K. continues to do well with her radiation. Bill A. remains at home. Miss Joyce should get some test results this week. Carla K. is still battling her cancer too. Sharon & Ruby’s brother, John, continues in his battle against cancer. Pray for all of these folks.
All of the folks we know in Guatemala are fine. There was some pretty heavy damage in Pastores (road damage) and the Santo Apolonia area took a hard hit. Pray that the team (TN) presently there and the team trying to get in (AR) can make the switch on Thursday. Also, Louise Mason has been sick so pray she can get better. (Part of it may be that she is getting really old – LOL!)
I had a nice holiday yesterday. Spent a few hours working in the yard at Charles & Ann’s and Brad & Daphne’s. Soy actually mowed his own yard but was pouting because I was at Brad’s. Something about I liked Brad more than him (which is true) so I took him a COB sandwich for lunch and he was a happy camper. I then got to keep Titus for a couple of hours and we enjoyed one hour of playing before he fell asleep. Tony Hacker called and asked me to go white trout fishing with him & Nick so off we went.
When I got to the state docks, Chris Kittles was there to go fishing with us. We began a casual conversation about fishing in general and Chris told me about how he used to be a charter boat captain and would catch 30 red snapper at a time (loose translation). We had a good day catching 165 trout & mullet but I don’t remember “Captain Chris” catching more than 5. He kept talking about his “charter boat” days while the other three of us were throwing fish in boat. Simple translation – “Captain Chris” talks a good game but. . . .
JB, my girls know better than to talk to someone like you. JD, what’s the call on the Finals – please take the Celtics!
Trying to talk Tony into a run at the red snapper this afternoon. I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.