Word came to us before the first service today that Jayne English passed away around 4:30AM today. Pray for her family. I will post the arrangements once they have been set.
Word came to us before the first service today that Jayne English passed away around 4:30AM today. Pray for her family. I will post the arrangements once they have been set.
I went into Jayne English’s hospital room yesterday only to find her mother resting so I didn’t disturb her. Jayne’s condition seems to continue to grow worse. Pray for her and her family.
Pattie Suthoff left a comment on yesterday’s post giving an update on Gage. The report wasn’t what they had hoped for but the doctors were pleased. Keep praying!
Joey Switzer won’t answer my calls so I can’t give an update on his mother, Shirley Switzer.
I keep meaning to post that First Baptist Bayou La Batre has a new pastor – Clint Landry! Congratulations to Clint and the family at First. He begins on Sunday, June 20.
Hien came back last night and Dana & Gina should arrive home tonight so things will get back to “normal” around here. Lisa and I are ready for that and we thank Jamie for hosting our girls for the week.
I have walked down memory lane this morning as twenty-eight years ago on a Sunday morning Lisa called me to say she was in labor with our first child, Deidra. Wow, time flies!
Pray for today’s services and this week’s VBS.
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