TUESDAY, 6/22/10
Jack Sims will be having open heart surgery today. I don’t know all of the details i.e. how many by-passes but do ask that you pray for Jack, Annette, Todd & Linda and the family. Pray for the doctors who will be doing this procedure.
Ted Ezell remains in rehab and can stay there for several more days under his insurance. Keep praying.
Pattie gave an update on Gage so keep him in your prayers as he will soon begin another round of treatments.
Soy & Deidra should be getting close to China. Pray for them as they begin this six weeks of ministry/visiting family. Alisha Vice is in Kenya doing ministry.
Keep praying for the GRACE team in Guatemala. All is well and you can read the updates on the GRACE blog.
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.