FRIDAY, 6/25/10
Sorry for not posting yesterday morning but it just sort of slipped through the cracks.
As I got home a little after 11:00PM last night, I received word that Melissa Brown’s sister, Gwen, had passed away. I just spoke to Melissa via the phone. The family is devastated. Gwen was 38 years old. Pray for the Lambert family.
The wedding of Kayla, Keith & Melissa’s daughter, and Matt WILL take place tonight at 7:00PM. The family has discussed this and, while it was a difficult decision, they feel this is how it should be. Please pray for the family as they celebrate while having heavy hearts.
Barbara Kelley’s mother continues to weaken. It seems she has lost the will to live since her husband passed earlier this year.
Jack Sims is doing well in his recovery. He had four by passes instead of the three planned.
I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.
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Morning Pastor,
Gage is doing good but they did have to increase his steroids some on Thursday. His balance is still not good and they were not sure how soon he will be able to come off, if at all. Chemo will start again for 5 days on July 2. The battle continues..
Please pray for my neice Rusti Spivey. Rusti is 40 and she has had Crohn’s disease since she was about 20. Rusti has been steroid dependent for 20 years and has been on all the other drugs used to treat Crohn’s. Rusti became ill during my ordeal and has continued to run fever of 101.0 off and on. Most recently the doctors have had her on antibiotics and the fever stopped during that treatment but as soon as the medicine stopped the fever came back. Rusti is having a colonsocopy today in hopes of finding what is up, all labs and other tests have not shown much. If they do not find something today she will probably come here for a second opinion with Dr. Jorge Herrera at USA. My sister is very concerned because Rusti has dropped below 100lbs and is losing alot of her strength.