TUESDAY, 7/2/24
I begin this morning by stating that Pastor John Womack did an excellent job of preaching the funeral service for Audrea Whitehurst yesterday. Anyone who was there left knowing exactly what it takes to enter Heaven. Thank you, Pastor John.
Speaking of pastors, Pastor Gene Clark’s wife, Sue, passed from this life this past Sunday, 6/30. The visitation and service will take place tomorrow, 7/3, from the Irvington Fellowship Bible Church. Visitation with the family will take place from 10:00AM until 11:45AM. The service will begin at noon. Pray for Pastor Gene and his family as they walk through this valley.
I “think” Kathy King will be having a surgical procedure tomorrow. Pray for Kathy!
Jason Husband will see his cancer doctor tomorrow. Pray that the report will be good.
Speaking of Jason, I will be taking him to his doctor’s visit. He so wants to remain in Grand Bay until Sunday night. Presently, we have a house full. Is there anyone who will take Jason for one night, two nights, three nights or all four nights? This will begin tomorrow night. Jason can stay at our house during the day. Any takers? If so, please contact either Lisa or me. The guy loves Friendship Baptist and Grand Bay.
We have a good number of folks baking cakes for the auction this Sunday, 7/7. I have seen the list and I am very thankful to each person who is baking a cake. However, I noticed that not nearly as many of our older adults (50+) have signed up to bake a cake. Folks, those cakes have always sold the best. So, I am calling on this group to prayerfully consider baking a cake for this worthwhile cause. Contact Kayla Hatcher, Daphne Hutto or me if you will bake a cake.
Remember, we need folks to buy these cakes, a cow, and some corn beef hash.
Meal begins at 4:00PM and the auction begins promptly at 5:00PM. We should be totally finished by 6:30PM. Join us. Pass the word!
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.