

Nothing on our church campus today – morning or evening.

I am praying for Pastor Gene Clark and his family today.

Also, praying for Kathy King along with Matt and their daughter.

Praying for Jason Husband to have a receive a good report from his oncologist today.  I will be taking him for this visit.  My in box did not get blown up nor did my phone ring incessantly with folks willing to help house Jason for the next few nights.  Just the facts.  The Lord will work it all out.

Also, the response to my request for more cakes from our “seasoned” ladies received no response.  We are missing some really, really great cakes from the past couple of years.  Obviously, there is still time to respond.  Will you at least pray about it?  (By the way, if you simply cannot afford to purchase the necessary ingredients then Lisa and I will gladly personally purchase them for you – no problem.  Just let us know)

I am ninety-nine percent certain that Deidra has agreed to bake a cake for the auction.  I have asked her to do so.  Eddie Albritton and Scott Fontenot have already agreed to spend up to fifty dollars for any cake she bakes!  Just saying!

On that same note, the wife of one of our deacons will be baking her “first ever” cake for the auction.  That is exciting (and scary!). I hope the wives of our other deacons will follow suit (not the first time to bake a cake) by baking a cake.

One more thing regarding the cake auction – if you live in the Hartselle, AL area and want to bid on a cake online, I have made arrangements to have your cake delivered to you on Monday, 7/8.  How about that!

The church office will be closed today and will not reopen until Monday morning, 7/8, at 9:00AM.  I have told Bro. Abel to take today to be with family.  I will be with Jason but otherwise am available in the event of an emergency.

In closing this entry, folks are asking about our December 2024 GRACE Ministries trip.  We are beyond capacity and have a waiting list for any openings.  I will be glad to add anyone to the waiting list but the prospects are basically slim and none.  Just FYI.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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