MONDAY, 7/22/24
Tina Sprinkle sent me a message yesterday saying she was heading home. Pain free? Nope but happy to be home. Keep praying for Tina & Kevin.
Thank you to each person who has helped Zach & Charlotte Brown during this time of bereavement. If I understand correctly, the girls are now in Canada with Charlotte while Zach & the boys are at home. I do not know the details on the service but I do ask that you keep praying for the Rademaker family during this time.
I am told that our numbers were down in our services but I also am told that the weather was stormy yesterday morning. I appreciate each person who attended and I am thankful to Bro. Abel for sharing the Word.
The team in Guatemala is doing well. They built fifteen houses Friday & Saturday with ten of those being finished – concrete and all. Sunday was church, Antigua, a visit to Casa Aleluya and hosting the teachers at the mission house in the evening. A good day. Thank you to those who have prayed.
I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.