
TUESDAY, 7/9/24

I know, I know, I know.  There was no blog entry yesterday.  It was simply a “red truck” issue.  Enough said!

First, let me ask you to join me in praying for Tina Sprinkle as she will be having major back surgery today.  Surgery is scheduled to begin at 10:30AM and the doctor thinks it will last four to six hours.  Tina will then be hospitalized for four or five days.  Pray that this surgery will be a success and it will relieve Tina of the pain she has endured for years.

I learned Sunday night that Debbie Inabinett will have a medical test done today.  Pray for the doctors to get a good view of what has been causing Debbie problems.

Pam Baker’s father, Claude Landry, has been diagnosed with cancer.  They are deciding whether surgery or radiation is the best option at this point.  Pray for Claude & Kay.  (Obviously, this is Pastor Clint’s father too but I simply mentioned Pam as she is the favorite child!)

Marie Brooks’ brother has been hospitalized since early last week.  Pray for him.

The Lord blessed us this past Sunday.  The auction was awesome!  I am somewhat hesitant to give a total as I know it will change once everything is said and done.  (We need the help of a good CPA) However, I am told that our total received was over seventy thousand dollars – how about that!  All I can say is glory to God and praise the Lord!  Our God is an awesome God!

Thank you to each person who baked a cake or pie, gave a cow, donated a condo, cooked corn beef hash, did permanent jewelry, helped set up/take down, worked during the auction, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Thank you to each person who purchased the various items.  Obviously, that begins with the members of the Friendship family but we had folks attend/participate from Bay Minette, AL, Grenada, MS, Danville, AL, Pascagoula, MS, Milton, FL, Biloxi, MS and who knows where else – wow!  We had folks from Michigan who did not attend but did participate in the auction.  We had folks from Ellisville, MS who donated a cake.  Thank you to each one.

Thank you to our auctioneers – Jim and Justin.

Thank you to Stacey & Gayla for once again cooking a tremendous meal.  Someone told me that the chicken was the best they have ever eaten.  I just know they spent hours preparing and cooking and I am very grateful.  What a great couple!

Thank you to Miss Vinnie Brewer for once again being the “cake auction queen” as her cake sold for nine thousand dollars!  Way to go Miss Vinnie!

Two hundred and something students from Colegio JET along with their families say “thank you” as they will now be able to receive extra food over the course of the next year due to your generosity.  Folks, it is all about God and the cause which is feeding those in need.  “I was hungry and you fed me!” Again, to God be the glory!

FYI, next year’s auction is scheduled for Sunday, June 29, beginning at 4:00PM in our CAB.  Ladies and gentlemen, start your ovens!  By the way, one of the highlights will be Miss June Bailey’s world famous carrot cake!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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