TUESDAY, 7/16/24
Tina Sprinkle’s surgery went well per the surgeon. The actual surgery was short but the doctor examined all that has been done and seemed satisfied with what he saw. I appreciate Scott & Nanette Fontenot being there with Kevin during this procedure. Bro. Abel visited Tina yesterday morning, I did so in the afternoon and then Scott pulled the third shift. Prayerfully, Tina will be discharged in a few days. Praise the Lord!
Happy 90th birthday to Andy Hamil! I hope his day will be extremely blessed. I love and appreciate Bro. Andy and Miss Betty.
I am sitting in the Mobile airport waiting to board a flight to Atlanta and then switching planes in order to fly to Guatemala. I am very comfortable and confident having Bro. Abel, Bro. Chris and our deacons filling during my absence. The Friendship family is blessed to have these men serving God through the church family. I am thankful!
One of the highlights for me in going to Guatemala is to enjoy some cooler temperatures. That is even more so this time as one of the air conditioners in our house has apparently decided to call it quits. Talk about a hot night! All I know is that Lisa had best have everything up and running before I return home! Just saying!
Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning and evening.
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.