

First, was able to speak to Tina Sprinkle via the phone earlier today.  She is “better” but is still having some issues with pain.  So, the surgeon plans on going back in on Monday to remove a screw.  He thinks this will solve the problem.  As always, Tina has high spirits and is trusting the Lord Jesus.  Keep praying for Tina & Kevin as they have had a tough few days.

Two requests.  First, it appears that we are extremely close to reaching a very unique point in our cake auction.  We are around twelve hundred dollars short of reaching a net total of eighty thousand dollars.  Only God!  I would “love” for us to reach the eighty thousand mark by the end of tomorrow night’s service.  Thank you to those who have given donations thus far – much appreciated.  Some folks who were not present at the actual auction have indicated a willingness to make a financial donation.  (Some who were present at the auction have given a donation)  So, if anyone who will be on our campus tomorrow wants to make a donation then I am asking that they do so before the end of our evening service.  Cash or checks made payable to GRACE Ministries.  Donations can be given to Eddie Albritton, Scott Fontenot, John Milton Ladnier or Larry Whitehurst.  If you are from out of town (Rex Looney, BJ Parson, whomever) then you can simply email me and we will trust you to follow through with your pledge.  Thank you in advance to each person who will accept this challenge.  This “thank you” comes from two hundred plus families in Guatemala.

Second, I will not be able to provide transportation or house Jason Husband for the next two Sundays, 7/21 & 7/28.  Jason is disappointed that it appears he will have to miss being at Friendship those two days.  So, if you can help, contact me via email.

What a sad situation in Pennsylvania this afternoon.  America, needs lots prayers.  Join me in praying for all involved.

Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning and evening.  Hope to see many folks in attendance.


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