TUESDAY, 7/30/24
Miss JoNell Barnes is having a heart cath this morning. Pray for the doctor to get a good look at what is taking place within her body.
The visitation and service for Pat Bates will take place tomorrow morning beginning at 10:00AM (visitation) followed by the service at 11:00AM. Both visitation and service will take place from the worship center at Ingalls Avenue Baptist Church in Pascagoula, MS. Pray for Larry and family.
The service for my Aunt Peggy will take place today at 3:00PM in Hartselle, Alabama. Pray for her family.
Bro. Abel visited with Jerry Francisco yesterday. I appreciate that. Keep praying for Jerry & Sandra.
I assume that Natalie and the baby remain in the hospital. Praises and prayers!
Lisa arrived safe and sound to Millbrook. She and Mandi are driving to North Carolina today. Pray for traveling mercies.
I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.